Therefore, in order to help those candidates who are aspiring to work for Facebook, Glassdoor has scanned through thousands of online reviews submitted by people who went through the interview process and picked out some of the toughest questions asked. In this article, we provide you the 10 toughest interview questions Facebook asks job candidates.

  1. Interview candidate: Facebook data scientist Question: How many birthday posts occur on Facebook on a given day?
  2. Interview candidate: Software engineer Question: Given a binary tree, write code to print the tree out line by line.
  3. Interview candidate: Data scientist Question: You can roll a dice three times. You will be given $X where X is the highest roll you get. You can choose to stop rolling at any time (example, if you roll a 6 on the first roll, you can stop). What is your expected payout?
  4. Interview candidate: Product manager Question: Estimate the number of airports in the U.S.
  5. Interview candidate: Account manager Question: How much money is spent on the internet?
  6. Interview candidate: Product designer Question: How would you redesign the features/functionality of a television remote control?
  7. Interview candidate: Client partner Question: How would you sell Facebook to clients? What are the benefits of advertising over Facebook, as you see it?
  8. Interview candidate: Product designer Question: Analyze the iPhone ‘folder’ mechanism for grouping apps and suggest ways it could be improved.
  9. Interview candidate: Operations associate user intelligence Question: Tell me your plan of action if you saw that photo uploads suddenly dropped by 50%.
  10. Interview candidate: Product analyst Question: Two points are randomly placed on a line of length 1. What is the probability that the three segments created form a triangle? Source: TOI